The Void

Website UP!

I have spent the past week and some change working on... 4 out of the theoretically infinite amount of pages. Do not ask me why high up on my priorities list was a complicated web collage of fish... it just was!!! I will now begin on either the movie hub or one of the shrines. I should also get a site map up. Lots to do still!!! I feel good.

Honestly on the topic of feeling good- this unbound creativity that I thought had been long swallowed up by my many mental illnesses has me feeling GREAT! I have spent most of the past two years in a weird solitary confinment with no direction in life (no matter how hard I would have tried). So actually doing something, and for it to be this consistent still!!!! is HUGE! Feels like a big giant leap in the right direction. Healing is a weird journey. A weird slow (extremely slow) journey. But now I at least have something to bring along with me. Now to just ease off of my twitter addiction (ikik) and become the indie web mirco celebrity of my dreams. Jk this code is made with sticks and rocks but hey man it looks good!!! Makes MY brain happy!! Which is the point mhm.