The Void

First Post!

Void Created!!!!

This will be where I put all my thoughts that need to be shared for no one but my own brain. Anyone who dares entire the spiral of "irrationality and wonder" is at their own risk of seeing my unfiltered, full of typos thoughts. I think I will officially publish the site today or tomorrow! YAYYYYY!!!!

I will admit this website design stuff is really fun, I feel better about myself than I have in weeks. Is it the most productive thing to be doing? No but everything else makes me miserable... so this is a start. An actual start. I hope I keep it up. I think as of right now I am confident I will! Again, this is a ton of fun. Who know I had so many ideas for a website? Who knew I could even code? Not me!!!! And yet! Here we are!!! HUZZAH! :)